Healthy Fruits, Vegetables and Squashes for Thriving Families
Healthy Soil = Nutrient Rich Plants = Healthy Animals = Thriving Families

It all starts with healthy soil!
Our garden is No-Till, which means we don't rip apart the healthy ecosystem under the surface of the earth with a till. When you till the earth, the topsoil gets shredded up, and the plow-pan (the earth that the plow doesn't reach), gets compressed by all the machinery as it passes over, and is extremely prone to rainfall compacting it further. This is very unhealthy for the earth, and makes the plants grown there struggle to thrive. When we use No-Till fundamentals, we simply dig a narrow trench of appropriate size and depth. This keeps everything strong and thriving. When left untilled, healthy soil forms it's own little ecosystem full of life, that includes healthy fungi, microtubules to capture and store water, and earthworms. All of these are destroyed when the ground is tilled, exposing it to excessive oxygen and sunlight. In a way, No-Till is healing the earth, in the most natural, healthy way.
We also grow all of our food without chemicals. To grow like this means that we don't spray all of our plants with herbicides, pesticides, growth promoters and other chemicals that you eventually ingest. All the chemicals you let come in contact with your food eventually gets absorbed into the plant. Eating conventionally grown foods is like eating food slathered in Roundup. Instead, we let the plants grow naturally, which keeps us safe from chemicals, and is much more healthy for us and the earth. Instead we employ practices as in, crop rotation and beneficial hedge rows to encourage the good guys to stay around and keeps the bad guys out.
We also leverage the superpower that is compost to continually provide important vitamins and minerals to our soil and plants.
Last of all, we also sell some of our crops, commonly known as Market Gardening. We choose only the best to sell, and so you know what you are purchasing is the best possible of our yield. We do keep some of our yield, to cook with and eat ourselves, as nothing is better then fresh, homegrown and healthy food.
Healthy Soil = Healthy Plants = Healthy People.
It's a win-win all around!
Our garden is No-Till, which means we don't rip apart the healthy ecosystem under the surface of the earth with a till. When you till the earth, the topsoil gets shredded up, and the plow-pan (the earth that the plow doesn't reach), gets compressed by all the machinery as it passes over, and is extremely prone to rainfall compacting it further. This is very unhealthy for the earth, and makes the plants grown there struggle to thrive. When we use No-Till fundamentals, we simply dig a narrow trench of appropriate size and depth. This keeps everything strong and thriving. When left untilled, healthy soil forms it's own little ecosystem full of life, that includes healthy fungi, microtubules to capture and store water, and earthworms. All of these are destroyed when the ground is tilled, exposing it to excessive oxygen and sunlight. In a way, No-Till is healing the earth, in the most natural, healthy way.
We also grow all of our food without chemicals. To grow like this means that we don't spray all of our plants with herbicides, pesticides, growth promoters and other chemicals that you eventually ingest. All the chemicals you let come in contact with your food eventually gets absorbed into the plant. Eating conventionally grown foods is like eating food slathered in Roundup. Instead, we let the plants grow naturally, which keeps us safe from chemicals, and is much more healthy for us and the earth. Instead we employ practices as in, crop rotation and beneficial hedge rows to encourage the good guys to stay around and keeps the bad guys out.
We also leverage the superpower that is compost to continually provide important vitamins and minerals to our soil and plants.
Last of all, we also sell some of our crops, commonly known as Market Gardening. We choose only the best to sell, and so you know what you are purchasing is the best possible of our yield. We do keep some of our yield, to cook with and eat ourselves, as nothing is better then fresh, homegrown and healthy food.
Healthy Soil = Healthy Plants = Healthy People.
It's a win-win all around!